Today we live in the most challenging times for retirement in any living person’s memory. Virtually everyone is at some risk, even people with government or legacy fixed benefit pensions are beginning to realize that the promises made to them are at risk of being broken.
Just Google “underfunded pensions” or “pension crisis” and you’ll find hundreds of articles.
All of us face the same four challenges:
- record levels of personal debt
- downsizing, technology, and globalization reducing employment opportunities
- life expectancy stretching into our 90’s
- historic low returns on traditional investments
The majority of us just aren’t where we need to be in order to enjoy the retirement we want to have. I know I wasn’t.
Just a few years ago I was looking at what I thought was a hopeless situation.
But I discovered a way to rehabilitate every aspect of my retirement situation. All of it. Debt. Career. Lifestyle. Income. Cash flow. I even realized how to construct my outlook and the story I could tell family, friends, and professional colleagues.
It worked. And it continues to work every day for me.
I’ve taken everything I’ve learned from doing this myself and helping close friends and I’ve turned it into this: Retirement Rehab—to empower you with the exact steps to have the retirement you deserve while doing the work you love and having total control of your own destiny.
Who Am I?
My name is Ian Bond and I’m a proud senior corporate executive and entrepreneur. I’m also the creator of The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan.
I’ve spent the last 5 years struggling with this exact problem while working in a job that once provided well for my family and that I actually love. The problem is that in 2008 the whole financial equation changed for me and turned my finances upside down.
I didn’t know what to do. I was staring at a financial abyss.
I am a wealth management senior executive with over three decades of experience having worked for Goldman Sachs, Credit Suisse, Citigroup and others. Today I live abroad and work for another international bank as Head of Private Banking and Asset Management.
After the financial world collapsed in 2008, so did my own. I lost about 60% of my earnings, but I was one of the “lucky” ones—because I still had a job. I was hemorrhaging money as my expenses were geared toward Bull Market earnings.
By the end of 2011 my earnings had bumped up a bit although they were still far from pre-crisis levels. I had also borrowed as much as I could. So, I was deeply in debt and still very cash flow negative.
You see, while my employer’s business had rebounded nicely, the company didn’t pay me like before. My industry had changed forever.
As a dedicated corporate executive warrior I didn’t know where to turn. As I was in my 50’s I was painfully aware that my job could end any day.
My plan had been to use these years to put my kids through college and build a retirement fund. My plans had spiraled out of control. My whole identity was wrapped up in the persona of the big corporate job I had.
I had no one to talk to. My friends never spoke about their personal finances. I certainly couldn’t risk talking to colleagues or I could lose my job.
I had also morphed into a quick tempered husband who griped about even the smallest expenses. My wife noticed the difference and wondered who I had become. I felt totally out of control of my own destiny for the first time in my life.
Two Words Kept Haunting Me: “Broke” and “Bankrupt”
Then in 2011 I heard the words of an inspirational speaker talk about becoming a “victor and not a victim.” When I looked at myself honestly I had lost discipline and my habits were poor. I was behaving like a victim. I needed to reinvent myself.
When I was just starting college my father went broke. I watched him sharpen his resolve, lose 30 pounds, and focus all of his efforts like a laser. We moved from a very large home where I had grown up to a much smaller place in a much less elegant part of town.
My father told me later in life that he would be “the last man standing” but never let his family down.
So I dug deep and remembered what it was like when I was a rookie on Wall Street. In those days I went to the office while it was still dark out. I stayed late. A senior colleague once told me I would have to work 18 hour days for 3 years to even compete with his knowledge. So I made it my mission to put in this kind of effort.
If my job wasn’t going to provide for my family—or if my job suddenly ended—I needed something to supplement or replace this income.
“Broke” and “bankrupt” and “last man standing” were my motivators.
When I took stock of what I had going for me – and looked outside my immediate corporate surrounding – I was quite pleasantly surprised. I was really pretty amazed at what is out there. This is one of the things that just doesn’t get talked about for people in our situation.
This is Information You Can’t Get From an Employee at Your Bank or From Charles Schwab
The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan
My corporate executive experiences, my frustration with traditional retirement planning, and my success at changing my own future led me to create The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan.
The The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan is entirely different from everything else in the market. This is the only comprehensive information I know of for managers, professionals, and corporate executives in seemingly hopeless situations. The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan focuses on people with no nest egg that will need cash flow in retirement. But this cash flow is going to have to come from someplace other than their corporate job.
In my career I’ve worked with the best advisors, investors, and asset managers. I have literally reviewed thousands of investment opportunities in my day job.
Never in my entire wealth management career have I seen anything like what is in The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan. Not in any of the expensive coaching programs, not in any bank I have worked in.
Conventional planners work with big piles of savings and the 4% Rule. The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan flips this and leverages your experience and skills to build real and durable cash flow. The kind of cash flow you can count on being there to spend when you retire.
Also, this has the information you need to address the deeply personal issues a lifetime professional or corporate executive faces when his world has changed.
No other retirement plan offers the specific information you need about how to create income streams on the side, even when you still have your job.
No other retirement plan offers the specific information you need to lengthen your career and keep your job income at a higher level longer.
Traditional financial advice is not savvy in these topics.
You’ll See Your Complete Roadmap Right From the Start
The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan will show you how you can generate concrete, measurable outcomes to insure you’re set to transition from the employed world when the time comes. Irrespective of whether it’s by their choice or yours.
Specifically, through the information contain in this course you will:
- Determine your Perfect Day or how you really want to spend your time
- Create cash flow through right-sizing and rationalized expenses
- Craft an optimal debt strategy to become debt free
- Identify a low cost location to escape to, domestic or international
- Develop a Disaster Fund isolated from your other money
- Secure your retirement account in a safe place away from big custodians and other risks
- Speak to you spouse and family and have them excited about the future
- Develop specific strategies to lengthen your corporate career and keep your income at a high level
- Change your mindset from one of employee to entrepreneur
- Learn how wealth has been historically been created and where to create it in today’s New Economy
- Identify new business opportunities available to drive your income outside your day job today
- Determine a sub-niche of keen personal interest where you can monetize your unique expertise
- Be fluent in the opportunities offered by investing in the New Economy and where to access these deals
- Examine all of the financial contingency plans you need to make
- Visit your low cost home to escape if need be
- Design, create, and implement a solid retirement plan with specific income sources for your budget
The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan is intended to give you immediate peace of mind.
I am someone who understands your concerns and have lived through the journey you will take. I’ve been through the whole range of emotions you may be going through. I have counseled many people and helped them through the Retirement Rehab process.
You can use the information in The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan to accelerate your progress toward the retirement you really want. You can cut years off the process. You can also save the tens of thousands of dollars that I spent and, best of all, you can have peace of mind again.
The information and strategies in The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan could easily be worth 7 figures to you. If you know anyone in their 50’s who was let go from their corporate job and was unprepared, you can’t disagree. Go ahead and ask someone in this position what he or she would have spent to have been better prepared.
You can’t afford not to put this information to work today.
The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan will arm you with the exact information you need to take advantage of today’s new retirement circumstances and opportunities.
You will be in control of your own destiny instead of some boss on a higher floor. Choose how active or passive you want to be. There is no cookie cutter solution here. You decide.
With The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan you will learn about the New Economy.
You too can build real durable cash flow from multiple income streams and live life on your own terms.
I cannot express to you how liberating it is to earn dollars from a source where they cannot fire you. The first time a deposit hits your account you will wish you had executed this plan 5 years ago. And it’s entirely true that it happens even while you sleep.
Get This Comprehensive Information and Work Through it in Privacy and at Your Own Pace
This is the the key to unlock to the retirement you dreamed of but can no longer attain on the old, broken path you’re on. This information will give you complete control of your own destiny outside an employment structure and it will deliver needed cash flow for as long as you live. This is an income stream not dependent on some boss and his opinion at bonus time or at risk of company downsizing.
I have made it super-simple to take the first step toward a better life.
After you become a member you’ll instantly get access to the entire The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan where you will begin your journey to a fulfilled life that you control.
Fixing your retirement situation can be a scary thing—it’s a commitment to creating a better life.
Look, I want to make it very clear to you right now that if you’re feeling trapped in your current situation or scared of where you’re heading, it’s because you don’t have the information you need to make a new plan.
You already know you have enormous skills and experience. Today’s new economy is offering you new ways to leverage them to your advantage.
You have limitless opportunities to build something that you control and that does not control you. Because you can be totally free of the drudgery of corporate life and command your own destiny.
So why don’t most people grab onto these opportunities and create a worry-free retirement?
- The industry is against them. There is a huge multi-billion dollar retirement planning industry selling the “work 40 years and then retire nicely” on a set of high fee financial products. Nobody else has tailored an alternative for this new economy.
- They don’t know where to get the solid, comprehensive information.
I’m here to tell you straight. Please get up and do something! Get this information and work through it in privacy and it at your own pace.
Don’t accept the status quo. Fight against it. Fight for peace of mind and a retirement you deserve and control.
I firmly believe in over-delivering and I want you to have every advantage possible to achieve a worry and stress-free retirement. That’s why I am including all of these resources:
- Immediate access to all 6 action-packed modules of The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan including over 4 ½ hours of video lessons
- Presentation slides, pdf transcripts, and exercises for each of the 6 modules
- One time cost. Nothing else to buy.
Here’s my 100% Action-Taking Money Back Guarantee
This information has helped many people change their mindsets and their lives. I’m confident you will love my The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan too.
If you are not absolutely thrilled with the wealth of life-changing information or your progress through The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan, I’ll refund 100% within your first 30 days.
This is really a risk free proposition.
Undecided or still got questions? Check out these FAQs.
How much time do I need to commit during the program?
You can work at your own pace, without any pressure. Some people complete the course in 6 weeks, others take several months to work through things on their own terms.
The Lessons are 3-10 minutes, so you can chunk your time efficiently. Most people go back over concepts after an initial run through, which I encourage.
You have lifetime access to all of this information so you can review and refine your plans at will.
If I’m just about to retire is it too late for me?
No! Your timing is perfect. The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan can give you some alternatives to extend your higher paying years while you build a situation that provides durable cash flow that you control. It’s not too late!
I already have a couple of things going on the side. Can this help me?
Absolutely! You can turbo-charge your current activities and make sure you’re on the right track. You will gain a whole new perspective and learn a ton of valuable lessons.
Do I need to have business or financial experience?
No! The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan is expressly designed to get those willing to change their mindset to be aligned with their Perfect Day. Don’t worry about business ideas or experience. The Plan covers that.
I want the life you describe but I am in deep financial and career distress and don’t see any real way out. Should I wait until the future is more certain?
Absolutely not! The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan will exponentially accelerate your progress. It was created specifically because there are no professionals to help people like us get on the right path. It will create the certainty you seek.
I’m not sure I can afford it.
Originally this program was planned to sell for over a two thousand dollars. Even then, I believe it’s worth ten times that.
But to make it accessible to the maximum number of people, we have slashed the price.
At this low price, I would ask whether you can afford not to have this information.
I don’t brag about spending tens of thousands of dollars on courses, but I have. Because I firmly believe in learning from experts.
I use them for legal, tax, and medical purposes without thinking. For online courses it is often just one concept that pays for the whole course. In my 50’s I don’t have time to be cheap. I need quick and proven results. I pay to skip the learning curve and leverage he people’s priceless experience.
ONLY $199
(One time cost, no re-billing. Nothing else to buy. )
- Immediate access to all 6 information-packed modules of The No Nest Egg Retirement Plan including over 4 ½ hours of video lessons (valued at $997)
- Presentation slides, pdf transcripts, and exercises for each of the 6 modules (valued at $197)
- Total Value: $1194